منتدى المنشد صبرى المنصوري

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى المنشد صبرى المنصوري

منتدى المنشد صبري المنصوري { المنتدى الدعوي لأول منشد ليبي}

    What is the Hajj

    زهرة المدائن
    زهرة المدائن
    الأعضاء المميزين
    الأعضاء المميزين

    عدد الرسائل : 778
    العمر : 33
    البلد : سوريا (حماه)
    العمل : طالبة علم
    تاريخ التسجيل : 25/12/2008

    What is the Hajj Empty What is the Hajj

    مُساهمة من طرف زهرة المدائن الأحد أكتوبر 31, 2010 9:24 pm

    Definition of Hajj: the order to Mecca for the work of ad hoc at the time of ad hoc

    -* And the rule of the pilgrimage (it is the duty of a Muslim in charge of sensible heat to do it once in a lifetime), and that means that non-Muslim does not have to perform Hajj, as well as a servant does not have to perform Hajj and non-expensive and they do not have to do it also Hajj
    -* A true pilgrimage of young naafil as well as al

    In order for obligatory Hajj on women and the presence of a mahram with her and if it is not forbidden is in her third one who is able to rule that does not have to go for Hajj

    -* And Muharram is her husband or her father or brother or deprive him of never

    -*, Hajj has specific months are October and Dhi previously and ten days of Dhul Hijjah

    And times of pilgrimage are allied with the people of the city and handsome for the people of Syria, Morocco, and picks up the pieces for the people of Yemen and the Horn of houses for the people of Najd and the same race for the people of Iraq and the people of the Orient
    This does not mean that all may not be meeqaat ihram only for him but his family is meeqaat for each of the passes over it as if the people of Yemen from the meeqaat of the people of Najd, it is permissible

    -* And the people of Mecca for the Hajj are denied and deprived of the solution to the Arab

    When the pilgrim passes from the meeqaat it prohibits and robes is (the intention to engage in forbidden), so you should notice that the Haj ihram ihram is not wearing clothes but it is the intention to engage in rituals so that it is forbidden by some of what was lawful
    -* There are some actions that do Hajj when ihraam years, but it is not obligatory and there are also some actions that must be due to Muharram do

    -* Enacted for those who wanted to but we knew that was forbidden ihram (intention is to engage in rituals) has enacted Washing
    -* Sunnah for the forbidden clean his body and cut his hair and nails
    -* Sunnah for him to wear perfume in his body with musk or all of what a good smell

    -* Enacted in his robes and the robe of white papers Lazar

    -* Enacted after ihram rak'ahs whether to impose or NFL
    -* Recommended that the required ihraam when God says I want to rituals as well as me and Weserh Hpsoni Habis Fmhali where I am prevented

    And three types of Hajj (enjoy) (and the Koran) (and individuals) and best enjoyment for saying peace be upon him (if received from Emre what Astdbert what watered guidance and had permitted to you) and the Prophet, peace be upon him does not wish only the best, then the Koran and then individuals

    -* Enjoyment is (to deprive Umrah in the months of Hajj are as we said previously, Dhi October and ten days of Dhul Hijjah If completed and analyzed Bereave Umrah Hajj) and in this case are collected between the act of Umrah and then analyze them and then utterly Hajj

    -* Koran is (to deprive the Hajj and Umrah together and says to Umrah and Hajj) or deprived Umrah then enter upon the pilgrimage before Umrah in the Koran does not decompose, such as the enjoyment of Umrah, but remains a taboo even result in the actions of Hajj

    -* Pilgrimage to deprive individuals only, and then after completing the pilgrimage volunteer his age

    After that intends to engage in rituals and rituals, it determines is now a taboo and it is forbidden to do some of what was permitted him

    -* If turned on his car says Beck of Beck O Beck is not a partner for you to pick the praise and blessing to you and the king is not a partner to you by the man raises his voice and the women hide

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 7:40 am